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studio sur-mesure

Do you have a project plan or ideas that need to be developped or guided ? I propose these steps to make your endeavor a reality.


“create your brand“

As a designer-consultant, I offer a training to develop a 360° vision on the artistic direction of your brand.

Red thread of collection creation

It is the artistic direction that gives the aesthetic orientation that the founder wishes to take for his brand. It includes all the choices that concern the taste, values and atmosphere that make a project unique.


  • $ 2 hours
    5 sessions of
  • $ 1 000 €

Tools and methodology

You want to develop a creative project on your own but you need training to create a brand that suits you.

I propose to help you on these points:
• create (or rethink) a brand with an original and personal identity.
• have a coherent and global vision of your project (product, brand image, packaging, crowdfunding…)
• remain autonomous on your project and the decisions that concern it.
• know how to position yourself in the competitive fashion industry.


• The training is individual and personalized: the practical cases are focused on your project and discussed during the five modules.
• Exchanges can take place by videoconference or in person.
• The amount of the training can be partially deducted as a collection tax credit.

› For more details and to ask for the training program, do not hesitate to contact me.


artistic compass

As a designer-consultant, I accompany you on the artistic direction of your brand.

Refine your artistic orientation

You are creating collections and you need an outside view on the artistic direction of your brand.
We spend time together to visualize the different aspects of your project in order to specify the strategic choices concerning the aesthetics, the values and the concept that are the most coherent with your brand’s DNA.


  • 80 €
    per hour
  • 600 €
    per day

Share and co-create

I offer to help you on these points:
• (re)defining a DNA with an original identity
• having a coherent and global vision of your brand’s evolution
• to know how to (re)position yourself in the competitive sectors of the fashion industry
• bring my creativity and my artistic sense to enrich your project.


• The meetings can take place in videoconference or in person.
• The amount of the service can be partially deducted in tax credit collection.

› For more details and to think about the pace that suits you, do not hesitate to contact me.


conception studio

As a designer, I work on the project as a whole or with specifics parts.

Collection design

Develop a brand concept, look for inspiration in terms of design, define the collection plan, create the color ranges, model designs, select or create prints, choose materials.

Learn more about the creation process of a collection

Collection launch

Create spec-sheets.


  • 80 €
    per hour
  • 600 €
    per day

Collection tracking

Supervise various fittings and continuously adjust based on commentaries on the cut of the garment, prints and color tests. This continues up until the final validation of the prototypes.

Collection diffusion

Focus on image (photo shooting, lookbook, staging), communication (social networks, press) and sales (retail website, pop-up store).


• The meetings can take place in videoconference or in person.
• The amount of the service can be partially deducted in tax credit collection.

› To discuss your needs and obtain more details, please contact me.



It's a pleasure to have Marion at my side, as she runs an introductory module on art direction in fashion. She's bursting with creativity and ideas to pass on her skills with passion. She's always keen to offer lively and interesting courses to get the best out of her students.

Marine Geneste • Director of the Paris School of Luxury Creation program

I asked Marion to research outdoor fabrics, their application techniques, and to obtain and diagnose material samples. I appreciated the quality of the professional relationship, and the quality and efficiency of the proposals made on the subject. Marion was able to find the right material for the overall aesthetic of the project every time. Many thanks Marion!

Thomas Padoan • Landscape Architect

I highly recommend Marion and her support. Marion enables me to move forward practically, methodically and flexibly on the brand creation project. Marion is a good listener and shares her expertise. With her, it's a real team effort, based on trust. Thanks to Marion, I've also been able to meet other trusted "service providers" (graphic designer, model maker.... ).

Clara Hardt • Alice Wild

During the mission of companionship carried out for the benefit of 17 tailor artisans in Togo as well as upstream during the preparation and downstream for the follow-up of the results, Marion confirmed not only her know-how and her creativity in the fashion and design professions but also her talents, her skills and her capacity of adaptation to carry out complex and structuring international projects. Her proven contributions in the fields of project management and piloting were matched only by her pedagogical abilities to implement the training activities that were part of her mission of artisanal companionship.

Rafael Paniagua • Head of International Relations and Cooperation - CMA France

Marion is an excellent instructor. She showed us many exercises and pattern secrets that will help us in our workshops. We hope Marion will come back soon for another training session.

The tailors of Sokodé • Togo

I have been working with Marion for almost a year, on the garments and collections of my baby clothing brand. Marion gives me precious advices during the different steps of creation of the clothes and the collections. She also helped me to define the artistic universe of my brand. On a human level, she is, among other things, very attentive, creative and reactive.

Coralie Verron • Little Croissant

I enjoyed working with Marion in the first steps of my brand creation project. Marion was very professional. She was attentive and structured, and she perfectly understood my project and my desires. I highly recommend her!

Alice Lenglart • AVA Créations

I had the pleasure to work with Marion in the creation of my sustainable and conscious riding clothes brand Basanne. Marion has been with me since the beginning and helps me with all the product development (design, specifications), as well as with the global brand strategy. Thanks to her experience in the textile industry, she has many contacts which are a big advantage in an environment like the textile market. Marion also has a great experience in supporting young brands which allows her to have precious tips on how to develop her brand (distribution strategy, visual identity, shooting, searching for partners, launch plan) and the mistakes to avoid. So a big thanks to you Marion for your help and your precious encouragements.

Aliénor Amet • BASANNE

It was a pleasure to work with Marion. She is a good listener, qualified and does everything with efficiency. Really involved in the mission, she gives relevant advices and doesn't hesitate to propose ideas out of the field of her basic mission which is very pleasant. I am very happy with the work done and will definitely call on her again for new projects.

Pauline Bouquet • DOU.

I was delighted to work with Marion who is very professional. You can count on her, especially since I am demanding. For the second Maaxine collection, I was totally satisfied with Marion's beautiful and creative collaboration. Job done. Thank you Marion!

Marie-France Gadaud • MAAXINE

I had the opportunity to work with Marion at the very beginning of my project. She was able to guide, orient and frame my ideas. Marion is very organized, meticulous, a good listener and always makes herself available! Thanks again!

Maylis Arnould • TRANZAT

Marion made a textile/e-textile piece for the SelfieThings company, which specialises in the field of connected objects. She is a person who listens to her client's expectations, who is proactive, creative, and who respects delivery deadlines (which is quite rare nowadays). I therefore recommend Marion to future clients looking for a freelancer in the field of textile design/creation/design.

Yacire El Rhomari • SELFIE THINGS

I'm working with Marion to develop my brand YACANA, which should be launched in January 2019. We started work around April/May 2018. Her help has been precious in structuring the DNA of my brand, thinking about the identity of it in a methodical way. She gave me the tools and guidance I needed for this work. We also worked together on the colour ranges, on the content of the launch collection, which includes both fashion and interior design accessories. Marion is a great listener, she is very creative and at the same time methodical, and very quickly understood what I wanted to develop through YACANA, which is particularly valuable so as not to distort the designer's message. I would recommend Marion to anyone who is looking for more than just specific design and creative skills, but also the ability to structure and develop a brand more generally.

Aurore Descombes • YACANA

I had the chance and immense pleasure to work alongside Marion on the creation of my brand "you&milk", an organic clothing brand, Breastfeeding & Family. I called on her services and I can say that she is a very competent person on the technical part (design, pattern making), as well as on the visual identity part, Brand identity, because Marion has a thousand ideas and suggestions, it's a boost to evolve with such a professional! Marion is also a good listener, extremely reactive and a motivator in the projects she accompanies! I highly recommend her!

Aurélie Depeyre • YOU & MILK

Delighted to have started the adventure with Marion de Castilla in artistic support. Very professional and very attentive, she knows perfectly how to identify the needs and bring the answers in adequacy with the expectations. Marion provides consulting work in addition to her stylistic skills, which makes her a very recommendable person.


Marion immediately immersed herself in the world of Made in sens. Marion is experienced and expert in her field, both in the organization of the collection plan, and the respect of its coherence. She has a true sense of product, colors, fabrics, and details. She also concretizes until the realization of the explanatory mockups. She is fast, efficient, and concrete, she keeps her commitments and is very pleasant to work with.

Sabine Chiche • MADE IN SENS

I had the chance to meet Marion at the very beginning of the development of my lingerie brand. It was a real strength to be able to work with her from the very beginning and benefit from her expertise, experience and precious advices. Throughout the development of the brand, it has been and still is a pleasure to work with Marion, who is really involved in the project and is giving 200%. I can only recommend Marion's professional as well as human qualities!

Louise Aubery • JE NE SAIS QUOI
