Moderne Maharajah, un mécène des années 30 – Musée des Arts décoratifs
The nave of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs is dedicated this autumn to the world of a collector from the 1930s. The furniture designed by Rulhman, the jewellery of the Chaumet house or the seats of Le Corbusier all have the particularity of taking place in an unusual environment: India of the Holkar dynasty under British government.
The philanthropist has thus carried out a significant number of commissions to European decorators, architects, painters and photographers of the modern art movement that is in vogue in Europe. The architecture of Eckart Muthesius’ Manik Bagh Palace evokes modernist lines in contrast to traditional Indian architecture.
Through numerous portraits painted or photographed, the couple formed by the Maharajah and the Maharani are represented sometimes in traditional Indian costumes, sometimes with a wardrobe of European inspiration. Man Ray’s photographs present a modern vision of the couple, far from the usual static portraits.